Wednesday 29 February 2012

Who Are You and... Why Me?

"I am the love which lives in your soul. Love in your soul is immense and understands something much bigger and infinite.
Share this message of hope to those living with false illusions.
The result will take you to the fulfillment of the life's plan that you've chosen from the moment that the Divine Energy has given you wings to fly through the endless sea of

Monday 27 February 2012

From the Divine Energy...

This time it happened when I was wide awake...I'm feeling these days the urge of getting a pencil and a piece of paper and sit down for a journey through "automatic writing"...I read something about this spiritual technique few years ago, and I used it once in a while...then suddenly I stopped until the other day, when I noticed a strong energy around me and I knew it was time to experince it again.

"Learn how to fill the emptiness in your soul with love and awareness, and you'll be able to overcome your fears and experience the beauty of life. Anything you'll do will have a meaningful answer. You'll find the courage to fight for your values and success will be immediate.
The Divine Energy will encourage you to follow your dreams and reach your goals. Don't let negativity around you take power over your enthusiasm, and the result will be magnificent..."

After a little while a new powerful message...

"Dreams open new doors and carry you into new souls dimensions...everything is possible beyond the horizon, if you just feel the truth of existence..."


Friday 24 February 2012

Angelic Awareness...

It was the perfect day to open up into a spiritual encounter. I was sitting on a sandy beach, just listening to the sound of the waves, when I had the strong feeling that someone wanted to contact me from a higher level. It happened a few times before, so I've learned not to leave the house without my notebook.

An angelic message reached the deepest of my soul...

"Believe that you're part of the Universe. Live in the moment, exploring all that has been sent to you. In the wonderful world around you, nobody knows better than you the absolute truth.
Visualizing the future in your mind, is the first step to a happy and valuable life. All around you is the truth of your soul.
Don't let negative thoughts move you away from your victory. It's time to chase and don't miss the love because of your wonderful innocence. Your journey will take you to a great destiny..."

I cherish those words for such the deep meaning with the positive message about who we are and what we can accomplish during our lifetime...

Monday 20 February 2012

Because of my Guardian Angel...

It was a beautiful summer day in Italy where I grew up. Every year, during school vacation, I visited with my family a small seaside town in Tuscany. Both me and my youngest brother, after being at the beach, used to play the rest of the afternoon outside with our friends. Riding our bikes, playing hide and seek, were one of our favorite games. It was a very safe neighborhood, and our mom knew that we would always be back home for dinner on time, so she never really worried.
It was just one day when things turned around for the worst and we both got in so much trouble.

"There was a girl visiting from a different town, she was staying with relatives, she seemed very nice so we trusted her and she was also a couple of years older than us.
We took a walk together, it ended up being a very long walk. We became confused about our surroundings and on top of that we found ourselves wandering close by an old cemetery.
As most of young children are, we were also pretty scared of a cemetery.
Those days in a small town like the one we were spending the summer, we used to hear from older people lots of stories about the deads and superstitions were very common. The young girl seemed to be very interested about those stories, that she started to share them with us.
It wasn't funny, me and my brother became very anxious, she kept threating us that she knew the cemetery keeper and that he was a very mean man, who didn't like children.
Hours went by and we both didn't realize that it was sunset and soon was going to be dark. We imagined our mom being worried so we told the girl that we needed to go back home. She stopped us from leaving and she looked very angry. Me and my brother we both started to cry and run, hiding in the crop's field, to make sure she couldn't find us.
As a miracle, the girl suddenly disappeared and we finally found our way back home. It was pretty  dark now, passed our dinner time. Our mom spent hours outside trying to find us, and the neighbors as well. We finally got home, and both exhausted we sat by the porch.
We both were crying so loud, worrying about the consequences, when suddenly we heard a voice...the most angelic one I have ever heard felt it was coming from above and said "Don't cry,  God is going to help you!" I stopped crying and asked my brother if he also heard those words. He looked at me and said that he did. He thought the voice came from the huge oak tree in our garden.
I knew then in my heart, that God sent us an angel to keep us calm.. We told our mom the story and she believed us...Still these days when I struggle, the same angelic voice appears in my head, and I know that everything is going to be alright. My guardian angel is always there to love and protect me!"

Friday 17 February 2012

New flight...New encounter...

It must have been early morning, and I was still in my deepest sleep, when suddenly I was taken back to a new journey through the clouds...This time a loved one appeared to me and asked me to follow him...He wanted to show me a special place...

"OH MY GOD! Those were the words that I kept saying during one of the most incredible astral flight I've ever had until this day...The beauty around us was astonished...we flew over green fields and forests, until we reached the shining night, where we encountered two angels of the sea playing together...Is this the place called Heaven? I asked him...My loving friend replied to me...Heaven is where your heart is..."

I woke up after those kind words, realizing I was still saying "Oh my God! Oh my God!"...My husband was kind of surprised, and he asked me if I had one of my dreams...I keep reminding him that these are not "dreams"...and he smiles...!

Thursday 16 February 2012

Akaschic Records...mystical knowledge...

A few months ago I came across the fascinating meaning of the Akaschic Records, I had an instant revelation about an "astral travel" that I had a quite few years ago, exactly 13 years ago. Before, I have to mention about my mother's tragic death when I was 18 and my youngest brother 14. She took her life, after many years struggling with depression. Naturally this brought so much sadness, pain and guilt to my family. I missed her so much, and there wasn't a day that I wouldn't think about her.
One night, before falling asleep, I prayed that I could see her. That time of my life I was going through a painful divorce and faith and prayers were the only things which helped me go through day by day.
All of a sudden, while I was sleeping, I felt a force lifting me up towards the sky and I started to fly through a white cloud. I could feel lots of pressure around me, but I wasn't scared at all, I knew that something wonderful was about to happen.

"I find myself inside a very ancient building with beautiful gold decorations everywhere. A lady wearing a brown robe walks by the front desk and asks me who I'm looking for. I answer that I'm looking for my mom. She turns around and from books shelves behind her she reaches to a huge old book and places it on the desk. She asks for my mom's name, I tell her the name, she goes through the endless pages, and she says that she's there with them and she's working. I ask her if I could see her and she agrees to take me to her. Together we walk through very large rooms, where I see infants in cribs, disabled people in wheelchairs and so many women wearing brown robes walking back and forth while taking care of them. Suddenly the lady points over my mom. There she is, wearing a brown robe and talking to a group of women. She can't see me yet, I'm standing right behind her and I call her name. She turns around and surprised she asks me what I'm doing over there. I tell her that I needed to see her and make sure she was fine. She walks over me and hugs me, saying she is fine and she's working a lot. She looks beautiful and happy. She also asks about my dad and my brother and she wants me to promise that I will give them the message that she's doing well. She tells me that now it's time for me to go back and she hugs me one more time."

I suddenly wake up. Tears are running down my cheeks. I still feel the warmth of her hug. I know that it hasn't been a dream, but much more. I visited a special place, and I met my mom. My heart is at peace, since I know she's fine, and one day we'll be together again.

The Akaschic Records "Library", where every information is encoded, I believe I visited that beautiful and mystical place...that could only be reached by "astral projection"...